Inuneko Nanita's Games

Inuneko Nanita

Copyright 2024 Inuneko Nanita / Naneth Sayao

Unforeseen Resurrection - Otome Isekai RPG | Inuneko Nanita

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The Game

A 3D open-world RPG with life-sim elements and otome isekai themes. It is set in a fantastical modern world, where computer games bleed into reality and digitized beasts lurk, you wield a unique power: time travel with a hefty price tag.


  • Exploration

  • Dating Sim / Life Sim

  • 3D animated cutscenes

  • Hack and Slash

  • Multiple endings

  • Love interests

  • Dress up

  • Pets


Betrayed.Murdered.Rewound.Every painful death offers a chance to go back in time and rewrite your fate, but every rewind chips away at the lifeline that keeps your parents alive - your scholarship allowance. Each rewind comes with two gut-wrenching consequences:
Hold onto your memories but say goodbye to your coins, or
Lacking in coins, face a blank slate with aching void yearning for a lost love, and clues swallowed by the sands of time (game over).
Time is your enemy, your scholarship allowance your currency, and your heart the ultimate prize. Navigate a world where every path whispers promises and demands sacrifices.Will you:
Seek vengeance for your betrayal?
Protect your parents from a fate worse than death?
Find true love in a web of deceit and shifting loyalties?
But each rewind resets your relationships. Every death is a gamble. Can you rewrite your fate before your coins run out and your heart pays the ultimate price?

Join the newsletter to get notified when the Kickstarter campaign launches and receive exclusive gifts! :D

Copyright 2024 Inuneko Nanita / Naneth Sayao

Unforeseen Resurrection - Otome Isekai RPG | Inuneko Nanita | Press Kit

Press Kit


DeveloperInuneko Nanita


A 3D open-world RPG with life-sim elements and otome isekai themes. It is set in a fantastical modern world, where computer games bleed into reality and digitized beasts lurk, you wield a unique power: time travel with a hefty price tag.


  • Exploration

  • Dating Sim / Life Sim

  • Hack and Slash

  • Multiple endings

  • Love interests

  • Dress up

  • Pets




Programmer / 2D & 3D Artist / Story Writer
Inuneko Nanita

Copyright 2024 Inuneko Nanita / Naneth Sayao

Unforeseen Resurrection
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Copyright 2024 Inuneko Nanita / Naneth Sayao